Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Short Update

Matthew is finally starting to feel better. We had a long couple of days. Matthew and I slept on the couch a few hours a night a couple nights this week. I felt so bad for him. Last night he actually slept from 10:30 until 6:00 this morning in his crib.

He has started trying to do somewhat of an army crawl to get to what he wants. He went about 3 feet across the living room today but before I had a chance to grab the camera he was were he wanted to be. I have the camera at the ready now so I can catch a movie of him. He also likes to stand up and look around.

1 comment:

Brenda said...

I'm happy to hear your little one is feeling better. When I posted my picture of the sunset for fingerprint friday, I almost posted about all those nights that we pray for the sun to come up (especially when my kids were toddlers and always seemed to spike the fevers and get worse through the nights).
It's never fun when we have to say up with them in our arms so they can breath/rest better, but it's part of the job of being a great mom :) I hope you all can have restfull nights this weekend!