We had a very busy Mother's Day! I was pretty excited to celebrate my first Mother's Day! My thoughts and prayers were also with all the women that want so much to be a mom. We started our day by going to church and Sunday school. During Sunday school Matthew with the help of Scott made this hand print potholder! Just before we left church, our friend Kris gave me a big hug and said Happy Mother's Day-She also said I have waited so long to be able to tell you that. She almost made me cry! I am truly blessed that I am finally a Mom!
After Sunday school, Scott's family and my friend Lori and her son Aidan came out to our house. The guys made breakfast for us Moms. We had steaks on the grill, fried potatoes and Scott's yummy omelets. Then about 5 we went to Crosby to visit my mom, sister and grandma.
On Saturday, we took Adie (Matthew's brithmom) out to lunch to celebrate with her. The Saturday before Mother's Day is Birthmother's Day. "Birthmother's day is a day to celebrate and honor birthmotherhood. Its a day to reflect on the choice birthmothers made and the life they gave. Its a day to recognize, that they are good mothers who made the ultimate sacrifice for their children. It originated in 1990 by a group of birthmothers in Seattle, Washington. Most birthmothers will agree that Mother's Day is a very painful holiday and these women wanted to create something that would honor their birthmotherhood." The following information was taken from Birthmother's Day site.
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