Friday, May 29, 2009
Fingerprint Friday
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
This is just to cute not to share with everyone! He got all the way across our living room today! As you can see all the toys are picked up (I did that while he was napping) but as soon as I turned off the camera he tipped over the basket! He is definitely on the move. It will not be long before he is crawling.
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Fingerprint Friday
That all creation quietly applauds
Emma stays with us often. Usually every Saturday night so that we can take her to church and occassionally other nights of the week also. She stayed with us Thursday night and spent the day with Matthew and I on Friday. We had lots of fun going garage saleing, eating lunch at McDonalds and when we were all done garage saleing we stopped for some ice cream.
Look around you-where do you see God's fingerprint? To see other Fingerprint Fridays or to join in please visit Pampering Beki's blog. Thank you Beki for hosting Fingerprint Friday each week!
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
First 4-wheeler Ride
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Monday, May 18, 2009
Cheesy Puffs
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Saturday Full of Adventures
Not sure who the little boy is in the picture but he had the moves.
We were all pretty tired when we left last night, but we all had a FUN time!
Friday, May 15, 2009
Fingerprint Friday
I can see the fingerprints of God
I love how God makes each one of us different! Each with our own mobility and personality. Matthew is covered with God's fingerprints. He is slowly learning how to get what he wants in any way possible. As you can tell, sometimes he is not happy that he can't move faster to get what he wants. He wiggles. He worms. He rolls. We have learned that he is a mover and a shaker. He's an active one!
To see other Fingerprint Fridays or to see how to join in please visit Pampering Beki's blog.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Short Update
He has started trying to do somewhat of an army crawl to get to what he wants. He went about 3 feet across the living room today but before I had a chance to grab the camera he was were he wanted to be. I have the camera at the ready now so I can catch a movie of him. He also likes to stand up and look around.
Monday, May 11, 2009
1st Mother's Day
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Matthew of course got to spent the whole day with Daddy! He is a daddy's boy especially when he is not feeling well! When I got home yesterday, Matthew was not feeling well. He has gotten his first cold. The poor little man has a some what stuffy nose but some what runny nose. He just couldn't get comfortable. He wanted to suck on his nuk but it was so hard for him to do with his stuffy nose. With the stuffy nose comes LOTS of drool! Poor baby! I cried for him yesterday because I knew there was not much I could do for him. Between yesterday and today he will not let daddy get to far out of sight. He just wants to snuggle with daddy and he wants nothing to do with mommy. He doesn't like mommy because mommy is the bad guy and sucks all the gross yucky stuff out of his nose.