Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Yesterday was a wonderful day here in Brainerd. It was 54 degrees and very sunny! I decided to take Matthew on a walk yesterday. Our driveway is very muddy still so I didn't want to push the stroller through the mud so I used the SnugRider. When we got to the end of the driveway, the neighbor was also going for a walk so we walked with her. It was the first time that I had met her and we had a great conversation. On our way back, the wind was taking Matthew's breath away so I decided to turn him so he was facing me. Well he ended up falling asleep. It is very hard to take a sleeping baby out of the SnugRider and a snowsuit without waking him up. I was able to do it and he took a great nap. Matthew and I are hoping to get out again today since it will be another gorgeous day!

Hope everyone has a wonderful day!

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