Thursday, July 18, 2013

5 years ago

It's hard to believe that 5 years ago today, we met Matthew's birthmother and some of her family. For those of you who have not heard our story I'll take a few minutes to share. A good friend of ours from church who knew we were planning our family through adoption called and asked if she could give a young woman our name and number. Of course we said YES! I also told her that I would drop off our profile the next day. The day after I dropped off our profile we got the call!  We quickly planned a dinner and had them over. We talked for 6 hours! We were able to feel the baby move and he even had hiccups while we were feeling him move. We were told she had an ultrasound on Thursday of the follow week and we were welcome to come too! I have to be honest. I cried like a baby at the ultrasound! We were told the due date was first part of October! Our little man decided to surprise us all and come about 3 1/2 weeks early on September 8. It is awesome how our relationship with Matthew's birthmother has developed and changed over the years. We have a great relationship with her and her whole family as well as Matthew's birthfather and family. 

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