Sunday, July 17, 2011

Slip N Slide

Last weekend, Matthew and I played in his "Cars" Slip N Slide.
Yes even this mama went slipping down the slide.
It was a funny sight!! I am sure!!!
Matthew just wanted to fill his buckets up with the sprinkling water so I had to show him how to do it!
Trust me, the water was really cold.
I ran through it a few times before I slid down.

Matthew had a great time and so did his mama!
Sorry I don't have any pictures of me (they probably wouldn't be appropriate to put on the blog).

This weekend, it has been just to hot.  Scott has been working on the house a little bit and very slow.  Yesterday, I was out there working on some paper work when my vertigo hit me like a ton of bricks.
Matthew and I came home shortly after and we both took a nap.
Felt so much better when I woke up but my meds for my vertigo make me really tired so I was asleep pretty early last night.


jodilee0123 said...

hahaha! Mom's and slip and slides don't really work--right? This heat is horrendous! I hope you feel better tomorrow...I know I have a headache from heck...

So, earlier my kiddos went outside and ended up in the sandbox, which was full of water, and very dirty now, and they were naked cause their clothes got dirty and I went out to call them in (cause we have neighbors that they really shouldn't be naked in front of) and the two turkeys were running all over the yard to get away from me. I'm sure that was a sight...Oh to be a kid again!

Unknown said...

What a great Mama you are. I have never slid down the slip n slide! Well, at least not since I was 15 or something. Glad you had a fun day in the hot sun!