Friday, May 14, 2010


On Monday this week, we went on a field trip with our ECFE (Early Childhood Family Education) class to a farm. You would have thought that Matthew has been growing up on a farm.  He was not scared of anything.
We got to see lots of "baby" cows.
And lots of big cows.
Matthew even let them lick his hand.
It maybe helped that Daddy was holding him. 
Yes Scott even got to join us for our field trip.
I think those two would love to live on a farm.
Then we seen some baby chicks. 
They are so cute and fuzzy.
Matthew even had to give it a kiss.
Both Matthew's and Scott's favorite part of the whole farm experience was climbing and sitting in this great big tractor.  Matthew was a bit mad that he couldn't go for a ride.
Not sure how well you can see it but look at the smile on Scott's face.  It says it all.
See he had no fear!
We had a blast out on the farm. 
Think someday we will live on a farm?

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